Tamdeen Shopping Centre Development has announced The Mall of Kuwait in Sabahiya with a retail area of 1.3m sqft which will open in 2008. The mall will have five anchor stores and a hypermarket and be surrounded by gardens, water and leisure facilities.
Some of Kuwaits malls:

- Marina Mall
- Al Kout
- Al Salhiya
- Al Bustan
- Sharq Mall
- Zahra
- Galleria
- Layla
I'm just randomly naming the ones I know, there are allot more that I can't name at the moment.
Is there that many people shopping in Kuwait, do we really need all these malls?
Al Raya
Al Ba7ar
Al Muhalab
Well, if people do not shop what would they do in kuwait?! :P
The Avenues looks really cool.
I remember when Souq Sharq opened and we were finally grateful for a half-decent mall. What we now need is a mall with different shops in!
al manshar
and magic land or smthg like that - in fahaheel
Mall of Kuwait will be openning its door in 2010 - 2011.
360 it is targeted to be open in NOV. 2008
I wish they opened a disco instead
A mall in saba7eya, it's about time 3agad stop coming to the inner malls!
galaeria 2000
and these are all on one street!!
and u'de think with all these stores wede have variety
but Nooo
its the same 10 stores in every mall
clothes r turning into uniforms in kuwait
buy 1 and the whole population has one!
I hate shopping.... :D
thanks everyone for completing my list....I was at The Avenues today, its very nice, spacious and well designed...but the stores are repetitive, same as every freakin mall in Kuwait...
And I was shocked to see 3 Starbuck's in the same hallway... THREE STARBUCK a couple of meters away from each other... didnt make sense to me - Maybe Al Shaya own The Avenues
Actually Zed there are in total 6 Starbucks outlets in The Avenues and it's not entirely finished yet.
And yes you guessed it right, Al Shaya owns the bloody thing :)
What's the use? Every mall that opens ahve the same shops, same things you get everywhere. You see something new, go ahead and buy it. Next day everyone has it, LOL!!
What we need is to lockup all the 3agad and brats inside the biggest malls in Kuwait and crash it down on them all.
Maybe now is as good a time as any to see more of international lifestyle and home furnishings stores open up shop in Kuwait.
We'd particularly like for Genevieve Lethu, Crabtree & Evelyn, the John Lewis & Peter Jones' stores and Jenners of Edinburgh among others to be the lead anchors for the Lakes and 360 Kuwait.
But as they say, if wishes were horses then beggars would ride on them.
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