top 10 things which are excessive in kuwait:
10. social rules / restrictions
9. ministries

8. sushi restos
7. burger joints
6. malls
5. cars
4. 9alonat (hair dressers)
3. starbucks
2. was6as
and the number 1 excessive thing in kuwait is.......
1. jawal taxis
too much wanabe fashionistas..too much wanabe cool dudes
too much gossip
too much blogs/bloggers, too much sex
Too much i7jabat bo goo6i rob. They seem to increase everytime i come back.
And china too many nail bars? Shda3wa hal kithir.
Too many bakalas!!
Too many over priced "private" health clinics popping up!
Too much FASHION!!!
Too many speed bumps!
I am sure I cud keep goin on but I will keep it short and sweet :)
u got that right
cant add anymore
weeeen too much sex????
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tooooooooo much heilagg!!!
too many duwars (round abouts)
too many Dubai lovers
too many Kuwait Airways bashers
too many unkempt men and uncouth women and children.
ee wallah u said it, the stupid Jawwal taxis. Shda3wa all these taxis!
too many yobs too many snobs and too many knobs - go figure!
May i add one more to the list?
- People.
pink: how could i have missed the fashion victims; which are probably the ones who gossip anyway !
hammoodee: i thought of 'blogs' as well but thought it would be hypocritical since i'm a fairly new blogger myself :)
shoush: TOTALLY
nonowa: i love baqalas ! i agree about the unpainted speed bumps
joy: ee el hailaggg !!!
chirp: hehe why do u live in bayan ?
enigma: yes it could be a top 50, easily
kite runner: uncouth can also be applied to the men too
lady: tell me about it, i almost hit a taxi this morning
that man: u're just trying to make it rhyme !
n.: hehehe.... oh yeah
fine list. salute.
hair gel
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