Tuesday, March 6, 2007

And 3 years later...

i wanted to go see a movie last night so i checked cinescape to see what was playing... nothing interesting except for the holiday which i'd already seen.

anyways, i was surprised to see that wicker park was playing

why is there a 3 year-old film in the movie theaters ? i mean i understand if there are movies from 2006 because of release date issues, but this one's from 2004 !

needless to say the movie outing was replaced by coffee...


  1. A 3 yr old movie showing here in Kuwait..Don't really think it has happened before...

  2. They usually show old movies to fill in a slot until the bring in another movie

  3. movies r just not passing censorship
    so they bring out the movies they already shred to pieces, till they fine another one that wld be over 5 minits long!

  4. Never been to a theater in Kuwait , i can't take all that censonrship... Anyways ... Why bother when one can buy 5in1 DVD for "saba mia Kamseen"?

  5. Hmm I was thinking the same thing a few days ago too :S

  6. sene: i don't think it's happened anywhere

    kj: some policy that have

    eshda3wa: yeah really, i was amused to see the poster of wicker park in fanar 2 days ago - def too steamy for kuwait

    happy wolf: true, i keep saying "this is the last time i go to a movie here"

    but there's smthg about being in the cinema, the popcorn, the minstrels... i dunno

    diigmaa: ee fashelona

  7. dude,
    at least u guys have a movie theater !

  8. dazed & confused: that's true :-x
