Tuesday, August 7, 2007

No Smoking !!!! or Else.....

For all those like me that don't appreciate smoke in the
office area, print and hang on your office door.


  1. Free Live Porn?! S/he will be welcome in my office at any time. Really :P

  2. yeah - hell, I'd even let them light up a cigarette when they finished.

  3. Sexy AND healthy...hmmm

  4. wutsup dude. love the blogs. couldnt help seeing that you work in telecom and are Canadian. same here but live in canada. i got a few tricks up my sleeve and am looking for a telco dude in kuwait....lets go get this money baby. msg me when you have the chance....dont know how to get in touch though, got an account so i can get in touch with you.


    1 love

  5. kinan: what if it were 2 homosexual guys??

    moocherx: you sure about that? and where have you been, i can't access your blog

    commenter: very :)

    buddha the chemist: check your email

    bored: as always ;)

  6. I wonder if you are brave enough to hang that in your office? :)

  7. Jewaira: i'd do it if i was in another country, people are deprived from sex here so they will smoke in my office on purpose lol (look at the comments i go, thats enough proof)

  8. zed:
    ewwwwww~! dude!!!!!! You totally ruined it :@

    *voodoos zed*

  9. zed: if it were 2 gay guys, you'd probably make more money from the video.

    And I'm taking a resto from blogging... I got bored. Kuwait just doesn't provide enough interesting stuff to write about.
