Thursday, November 15, 2007

By popular demand

So i get black color font to keep the mysterious in me.
After much ado and persistence from my iKuwait co-authors, I decided to pop out of my hiding to say hello.

2007 has been a very tough year for me, and so you understand if blogging hasn't been one of my top priorities. I confess however, that though I wasn't posting nor commenting, I was an omnipresent reader of my own blog, and have gotten to know some of iKuwait's visitors through their comments.

Anyway, here I am, and because you have been so kind to ask about me, I shall become a more frequent contributor to iKuwait. My next post will contain some information about who I am, where I'm from, so that you get to know me a little, even though I've been so absent.

Joud and Zed, thank you for your amazing commitment to iKuwait, please keep it up!


  1. OMG! WALDO!! hello!! It's bad that you went through rough times bas yalla! post man!!

    P.S: If this is Zed, I will kill you!!

  2. holly sh*t wally it's about time !!

    weclome back buddy :)

    chika: hehe la walla it's not zed !

  3. welcome back!!! i think thats the first time i see u actually posting!

  4. I can only judge men food posts.. let's see

  5. OH MY!! I have lived to see the resurrection!! :)

    Now I'm a believer...

  6. It is nice to see you, for a while we, the readers of iKuwait, have imagined you as only a myth, a legend that has passed its time.

  7. Thank you all for your warm welcome!

    I plan to make up for lost time, but hope not to completely lose my air of mystery :o)

  8. And where are you from..??


    Welcome back hon...

    home sweet home....

  9. Bienvenu au ikuwait, Monsieur Waldo!

    Intend to gate crash at your coming out party, slated for New Year's eve in Leicester Square.

  10. For some reason i imagined u to be more of a green-font-color person.

    Welcome back.

  11. hala walla...waiting to know more bout u...:)

  12. Welcome to the blogging world
    lool waldo

  13. 2007 is a piece of ish year yeah, is this like an inside joke? be careful not to cross to the LAME side

  14. Oh Waldo! So you do exist?!?!?! I thought you were just another imaginary friend of Zed's!!

    Well, glad to have you around :D

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. desert-roses: I think Zed already blew my cover in his comment :) I'm French

    provoked: Merci c'est gentil; mais pourquoi Leicester Square et pas Safat Square?

    shoush: Green? Interesting, it is one of my favorite colors

    maze, blue dress: Thanks guys, and more about me you shall know

    hammoodee: I'm a little confused - are you angry at me or the year 2007?

    Kinano: "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist" ;)

  17. a7eeb waldaa ... yemkn ive read all his boooks lamen kent yahel o fooound him !!
