Monday, January 14, 2008

Why can't i say no

colleague: joud, do u want to have saj for lunch ?

me: no thanks, i think i'll eat at home today

colleague: come on joud, what kind do u like ?

me: mmm let's see - falafel, spinach, halloum

colleague: cool . should i order ?

me: ok :/


  1. and u'll go home and eat at home.

  2. Oh I hate it when this happens.. I can't argue either.. No wonder I gain a few kilos every time I am in Kuwait lol!

  3. What works for me?

    I say I have a bad stomach and can't eat anything but (insert unheard-of name of soup here).

  4. i know! this sucks! u know what works: use a very obvious hard excuse like "i don't eat bread" then they will understand that you really DO NOT want to do what they ask

  5. I was YOU!

    Couldn't for the life of me ever say No!

    Until one day I had just ENOUGH..

    Try it @ home.
    Imagine certain situations and practise saying NO firmly.

    It worked wonders for me ..


  6. but sometimes no means YESSSS

  7. O b3dain ta3alay, ma tabeen SAJ, o ma3araftay tgooleen NO, enzain laish 6alabtay THREE sandwiches ?? Falafel, o spinach o halloum laish ?? ;-)

    Shaklich meshtahya bs msta7ya :-)


  8. Can I have a saj sandwich. I love them!

    Oh and always be ready with an excuse if you REALLY don't want to eat, like I just ate on the way to work, I had a big breakfast, I'm going out tonight for dinner and don't want to lose my appetite.... You're a smart girl come up with a smart lie :)

  9. looooooooool happens all the time ;p

  10. enigma: u know it !

    shosho: hehe.. so where do u live ?

    ri: yes but u cant always have a bad stomach ! they order so often it's insane

    hammoodee: and how would i explain my mornin bread and labneh snack :/

    lala: seriously ? i have such a hard time saying no to food

    zed: maybe, but that has nothing to do with saj ;)

    lala: moo ma abee, bas i prefer to eat healthier at home; and they're not sandwiches, more like many little pieces... many little yummy pieces

    elijah: excellent - i had a big breakfast . i will use that

    bored: ALL the time !

  11. I am usually the "colleague".. We feed on preys such as yourself ;)
