That is so messed up
apparently it's now possible to get a genetically produced, breathing, living pet
u can buy a 'genpet' from kids r us; one version lives for 1 year and another lives for 3 years
if that's not scary i don't know what is - what if u get tired of it, do u just toss it in the trash ? if it's alive, doesn't it mean that it can feel pain ? it has human DNA for God's sake ! here's what it looks like
and why would u ever want to have such a freaky-looking 'thing' in your house anyway ??
it's like a scarier version of gollum
Although I must admit I was thrilled by the idea ;)
How frightening that creature is!!! I'm sure as hell won't have him in my house :\
Oo ba3dain, u just have them lying around or wat do they do?
its hoax....
lol you fell for it just like the rest of us! :P
Yea i sew this... and yea it is messed up! I mean it really looks ugly!!
wow i fell right for it
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