Thursday, November 13, 2008

Help, i need a laptop

i need a laptop, please tell me what you recommend - no macs please

- needs to be sleak
- screen not too small, ya3ni 13'' minimum
- light weight
- no noise (no fan preferably)
- good warranty / customer service in kwt
- obviously good quality and robust
- not ridiculously expensive

- for generla browsing use, eiditing etc; not much downloading or media use

please help


  1. - needs to be sleak
    Dell XPS, HP Pavilion and (unfortunately) Mac (Yes... it looks sleek)

    - screen not too small, ya3ni 13'' minimum
    You just referred to every laptop :P

    - light weight
    Dell XPS, Mac OSX, IBM Thinkpad (Though looks ugly) and there's a Samsung laptop that I can't remember...

    - no noise (no fan preferably)
    Dell XPS and Mac

    - good warranty / customer service in kwt
    TOSHIBA (Well, they changed my monitor for free)

    - obviously good quality and robust
    Anything but HP Compaq

    - not ridiculously expensive
    You just excluded Mac... Good factor :P

    - for general browsing use, eiditing etc; not much downloading or media use
    Almost every laptop (Except Alienware and Mac

    Bottom line, considering the factors you're thinking of, I recommend Dell XPS; good in price, looks good, good performance, VERY lightweighted and good in general... Don't go for Mac since you're not into graphic publishing

  2. if u have the money, than u should consider looking at the sony vaio tz fits all ur descriptions perfectly...

  3. Mac mac mac mac... :P

    haha.. naahhh.. check out Dell XPS.

  4. " Help, you need a laptop."
    Solution : get yourself a desktop.A laptop will only give you a bad back and neck I promise you that.

  5. i had my heart set on the dell until a friend told me he was having all kinds of problems with it

    ended up picking the vaio tz series

    thanks guys :D

  6. I got a Dell XPS M1330 this year and love it. In the last 4 years, I've used at least 6 laptops and this is definitely one of the best. It's right up there with my Mac :)
