Saturday, May 12, 2007

The number 23... really ?

earlier number 23 at its best i was idly watching showtime - which sucks so bad now but that's beside the point - and one of the movie channels was running a bit about the movie the number 23 starring jim carrey.

is it just me or does this sound like a really stupid idea ? they showed some bits of the movie and they were all about how numbers in carrey's life always add up to 23 (social security #, birthday etc). i don't know, it just sounds silly to me. surprisingly, it got a good score on imdb. but that doesn't always mean the movie's good - i mean lord of the rings and star wars are up there too, so how accurate can this thing be ?

on a side note - if the number 23 had a sequel, what would it be called ?

* i just realized, the digits in my birth date (day + month + year) add up to 23.. oooooh... spooooooky


Anonymous said...

1 .i like Jum Carrey ,
2. i like director Joel shuemacher even better , i've seen this movie and i liked it , it's not the best , but 3 out of 5...

KJ said...

Jim Carey is an absurd actor. His only good movie is the Trueman Show

eshda3wa said...

dont bother watching it

Joud said...

happy wolf: he is a good actor

kj: and bruce almighty !

eshda3wa: believe me i wasn't gonna....

Unknown said...

You should watch the trailer. He is given a book about the number 23 and its obsessiveness etc.. then he himself becomes obsessed and paranoid. However, there's a *message* somewhere..

I think it might actually be good :)

Joud said...

n., i'll give it the benefit of the doubt; watch it and let me know :->