Another day another dollar, its the little things in our lives that put a smile on our faces, like today my lunch, yes i did it again, i ordered the B.M.T from Subway again, i don't know what it is about this stuff, its so good and addictive.
Anyways, this time the message in my Snapple was different, it says:
"An ant can survive for up to two weeks under water."
joud: Nooo not the fables! the joke! i'll email it to zed n he can forward it to u, I don't have ur email. or maybe I do let me see. Oh first i gotta find the joke.
elijah: roughly... the one where the roach sang all summer while the ant worked it ass off stocking up food, then the roach asks the ant for food and the ant refuses to help and tells the roach u've been singing all summer, now u can dance ?
adam ant, having said that, most subway workers r like "duh...aa...ummm....uhh" one actually put chicken on my turkey, hmm that sounds dirty, anyway however i really DOnt blow up in their faces and give them a break...that soiunds dirty too :/
ijust tested the ant theory ... so Not true :)
meeemo no !!!
Life's cruel way of saying ants live miserably.
I shall test that for sure >:)
meeemo: the message in the snapple said, an ant CAN survive, not WILL, it just happened that the ant you picked up wasnt a survivor
joud: heheh ant lover
n.: poor ants, but its just so tempting
chika: i think i will test it too, let me know what happens with you
alright boo, don't act a fool, life is cruel, stop the drool,
stand up and chew, that gum is like glue
ok ok i will quit trying to rap now :(
U think they might have meant that there COULD be an ant in ur snapple??
3ashan u don't sue them!
lady: heheheh genius
LOL do u know the story/joke bout the cockroach and the ant by (Fontaine?)
elijah: the fontaine fables - classic !
this lady: genius indeed, but i checked
elijah/joud: care to share these fontaine fables?
joud: Nooo not the fables! the joke! i'll email it to zed n he can forward it to u, I don't have ur email. or maybe I do let me see. Oh first i gotta find the joke.
elijah: roughly... the one where the roach sang all summer while the ant worked it ass off stocking up food, then the roach asks the ant for food and the ant refuses to help and tells the roach u've been singing all summer, now u can dance ?
jokes with morals :)
LOL Joud no, that's a pathetic joke!
They made that story into a joke.
I sent it to both of you, check your spam, I sent it to the email u comment with.
adam ant, having said that, most subway workers r like "duh...aa...ummm....uhh" one actually put chicken on my turkey, hmm that sounds dirty, anyway however i really DOnt blow up in their faces and give them a break...that soiunds dirty too :/
elijah: cool will check it out !
hahaaaaaaaaaay!!!! LOVE IT !!!
LOL joud, glad u enjoyed it, I love it too :)
moral: have fun, party, drink, hit the jackpot and live happily ever after.
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