Random musings, sometimes about Kuwait
so a friend of mine calls me up this morning and has a couple of tickets to sell, anyone interested, he's selling them for 60 Kd each negotiable (email me)
i personally think thats insane, buy the DVD
oopppsss sorry Moe
Update: tickets are going for 40 Kd
2nd update: sold at 40kd each
Posted by
8:30 AM
I want one, bs 7aram 3alaik ya Moe! 60 KD?! I'd pay the usual 20, not 60!
7aram 3alaik!
i just got off the phone with him, he will go down to 40 each
100KD for all 4 !
Whats your contact #. Im willing to buy them !
Whats your contact #. Im willing to buy them !
If you can get me two tickets for tommorows show even, I want.
Im willing to pay.
sorry guys, the tickets have already been sold
smb: i don't think there is a show tomorrow, just 2 shows today
Thanks anyways.
Yeah ! Oh, thought there were two shows both today and tommorow
i hate you zed i hate you !! laaaaa no way :( i've been nagging about those tickets since ever i wanted to go no matter what :'(
please tell me you have one for tom ?? plzzzzzzzzzzz :'(
navy girl: there is no show tomorrow, but an insider told me they are coming back next week, keep your ears open
hi...i wanted the ticket but the blog went down at the same time ysterday....anyway( im buying) 2 tickets for nxt show if u will have them when they come back...post something about it and i will know and contact u.
pink: i'll do that ;)
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