Monday, March 19, 2007

Ain't that funny

it happens every now and then that i receive an email from someone i haven't heard from in 10 years or more; they see my profile somewhere on the net and write me a fervent email full of exclamation marks. don't get me wrong, i get excited when i find these surprise emails (sometimes), and usually write back right away...

but then there's nothing more to say and the correspondence stops right then and there or at best after another email or 2. isn't that funny ? i guess people just grow apart and unless u really have something significant in common, u probably won't hear from each other again for another 10 years.... if that.


Jewaira said...

I guess there is a "reason" why you got in touch with them again and when the correspondence started to falter, that "reason" ceased to exist...

Kinano said...

No it ain't funny :p

Yup, I second jewaira's. You get excited the first time because, well, you have just spotted someone you've known 10 years ago online and your excitement gets you a bit carried away.

But that's about it I guess.

KJ said...

10 years is a long time. Two different people... probably the correspondence was to just say "hi remember me?" and that is it..

eshda3wa said...

ya its normal
but nice to just know the person is alive n well
even if its every 10 years :)

Anonymous said...

Exactly... i found few friends on and they called..emails and stuff for a week..after that we didn't know what to talk.. other than thinking of a possible re union by the end of year...

Transparently said...

Personally I don't think the not talking part is a bad thing. It is nice to follow up on someone, but if there is a break, be it 10 years or so without any ill feelings, then that is okay :)

Joud said...

yeah i guess the excitement is fueled by the curiosity to know what happened to someone from the past; once u know, u're glad they're ok and the interest is gone

Elijah said...

Pretend you didn't receive the email ;P