Saturday, December 16, 2006


I was in Dubai for the weekend, and everytime I go there I get pissed off cause Kuwaits potential of becoming better than Dubai in every aspect is huge, why is it that with all this oil and money, we still can't get ahead of them?

This is what Shiekh Zayed Road in Dubai looked like 1990 and 2003. I left Kuwait 1990 and came back 2004, and everything looks exactly the same.



Razaldo said...

Simply amazing, and yet so true !

I have been in Kuwait for 17 years, grew up all my life here. The only change I have seen is in the number of people that are here, and how the standard of infrastructure offered is crumbling.

Few positives to note of.

Sad, but true.

Anonymous said...

with all that 'Red Tape' .... "You can fake it but can't make it"

KJ said...
