Saturday, June 9, 2007


..and I'm not talking about the famous club (whore house) in Dubai....I'm referring to the actually Cyclone that hit Oman.

"Cyclone Gonu, with winds of 160 miles per hour and gusts of 195 miles per hour, is heading northwest through the Indian Ocean toward Oman's east coast. Authorities on Monday evacuated nearly 7,000 people from Masirah, a lowland island off the east coast of Oman, said General Malik bin Suleiman al-Muamri, head of the country's civil defense. "

What if something like this hits Kuwait, are we prepared?


Anonymous said...

I dunno know about Kuwait but the general feeling in Dubai is - shit, why didn't the cyclone come visiting us?
After all any publicity is good publicity for the city with the world's fastest growing inflation rate.At least, it would have brought the flat rents down :)
They may even start to think of getting their own cyclone simulator and soon, at a theme mall somewhere in Jumeirah where you can have a first-hand choleric experience for a price tag.

Kinano said...

It would have been really cool to witness one.. But to answer your question, I don't think Kuwait is ready.

I mean, if we get a three day sandstorm things start to get shaky around here; let alone a cyclone.

Zed said...

kinan: so true...

but its freaky cause one day nature will take its effect on Kuwait and something will happen... shouldnt we prepare now...

go out and buy bateries, bread and candles LOL...

you'll need them anyways since electricity will be cut off alllootttt this summer

KJ said...

LMAO @ Hurrican Haya - yes Dubai was incredibly jealous it didn't experience the storm.

Anonymous said...

yabeelaaa cyclone...:P