Monday, June 18, 2007

Travel Alert

Dubai Airport launches new security rules, effective immediately.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Effective immediately, ALL travelers on ALL airlines departing from Dubai International Airport must follow the below requirements when carrying liquids on board.

1. All liquids must be placed in 100 ml containers (no more)
2. Each container should be placed into a clear, re-sealable plastic bag with a maximum capacity of 1 liter.
3. Each traveler can only carry 1 (one) plastic bag
4. The bag should be presented separately at the check-in screening point for x-ray.

Medicines and dietary requirements (including baby food), required during the flight, may be carried IN ADDITION to the above. When requested, travelers will have to provide proof of authenticity for the medicines.

- Medicines: essential prescribed medication, essential non-prescribed medication, (eg. cough syrup) 100ml, Insulin, Medical Services
- Baby products: empty containers (bottles, beakers or flasks), baby milk, sterilized baby water, baby juice, baby products (in liquid, gel or paste form), baby food powder
- Empty containers such as flasks or mugs
- Sanitary towels, tampons, Talcum powder, contact lenses and contact lens solution (100ml)
- Sandwiches, fruit, vegetables, other solid foods

- Drinks: Any drinks in cans, bottles, plastic containers, etc
- Liquid Cosmetics and Toiletries: ALL cosmetics and toiletries in liquid/gel form, for example: fragrance and perfume, creams, liquid foundations and lip gloss, Mascara, toothpaste, all products in pressurized containers such as hairspray, deodorants.
- Any Liquid-based food products in packets, tubes, containers, for example: Jam and syrups, sauces, pastes, yoghurt's, soups, stews or curry.


KJ said...

Wow, and what's the point of this? Avoid massive spillage in airlines?

Anonymous said...

It happened with me last year in Portland. We “the girls" intended to put a long lasting lip-gloss because we couldn't carry any liquid ;p

Drunk'n'Gorgeous said...

No lipgloss? Seriously?

Back to using ديرم , I guess :P