Monday, June 18, 2007

While i was away ...

- the temperatures in kuwait have hit 50

- blackberry in kuwait

- carrefour now open

- not 1 but 2 private planes in nbk yabeela campaign

- i can swear that traffic has gotten worse

- and ... nothing to do with kuwait but worth mentioning: 350000 usd paid by some woman to kiss clooney. by her boyfriend ! this kind of men is hard to find


Ms Loala said...

And did she kiss him???

El7emdella 3ala el slama ;)

Peony said...

i wanna kiss clooney !!! he;s 4osomething, but he's hot !! him or brad..
so basically you didnt really miss much.. welcome back !

Joud said...

thanks girls :)

she sure did kiss him !