Saturday, February 28, 2009

Back to work

i've never seen the airport arrivals/baggage claim area packed as much as today. everyone and their mother were coming back into town

it took 25 minutes just to get out of the parking lot

anyway 7amdella 3assalama to those back in town, and to the rest garrat 3enkom and i hope u made the best of it

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The price of freedom

Smugglers send migrants overboard to drown

heartless migrant smugglers forced the poor souls off the boat when they saw police nearby

how awful that this still happens in the 21st century

it wistfully reminds me of Gericault's parinting, raft of the medusa...

Noooooooo !

i'm at the airport right now, and as i went through passport control after cehck in, the guy looks at me straight in the eyes and says "you cant travel, there's a "man3 sefar" (a block) on your name, i'm sorry." so i think to myself SH*T, my traffic fines have finally caught up with me and i'm screwed.

then he smirks and says "it's ok, i'll let it slide and let you through this time."

ha. ha.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Let's go out for a drink

the thought process differs for a man and a woman...

click to enlarge

and then going to the bathroom is a whole other story...

click to enlarge

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Best rated youtube video of 2008

quite amusing, and this guy has a website, read more about him here

had i known he was coming to kuwait, maybe i wouldve danced beside him !

Monday, February 16, 2009

7adkom TK

how come people say TK (= typical kuwaiti) all the time but no ones says TL, or TE, or TS, or TQ ?

'tis a head scratcher

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Typical Lebanese

after reading mosan's last post i came to realize that some songs have and will always remind me of beirut. ya3ni they're the kinds of oldish songs that, when played in a lebanese restaurant or a bar, ppl basically go nuts and every single one of them sings along. these songs are:

- losing my religion by REM
- like the way i do by melissa ethridge
- because the night by ??
- wind of change by the scorpions
- hotel california by the eagles

of course there's more but thats all i cant think of right now ...